
Support for growth and learning in pre-primary education

Pre-primary education in Lappeenranta makes use of three levels of support. The three levels of support form a coherent continuum from early childhood education to pre-primary education and onwards to school.

The starting points for the organisation of support are the child’s strengths and needs related to learning and development. Support is provided in the child’s own pre-primary education group as part of the daily activities with various flexible arrangements.

The child’s learning environment is adapted to suit the child, taking into account the child’s interests and support needs. Support for learning and development is built on responding to the child’s individual needs and on solutions related to community and learning environments.

Cooperation with the child, guardian, pre-primary education teacher, special-needs teacher in early childhood education and other early childhood education staff is important in identifying the child’s need for support and in planning, implementing and assessing the support. Identifying the need for support and providing support are the responsibility of all staff members according to their educational background, job descriptions and responsibilities. In pre-primary education, collaboration parties also include parties in basic education and those supporting and examining the child’s development.

Support needed by the child is recorded in the personal learning plan for pre-primary education or IEP.

Lappeenranta’s curriculum for pre-primary education describes in detail the support measures available for learning and development.


Please contact your child’s early childhood education special needs teacher, head of the day care centre or family day care coordinator for more information on the early childhood education support measures. The contact information can be found under Service Locations.

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