
Assistance services and aids for basic education pupils

Pupils have the right to get the interpreting and assistance services, other educational services and special aids they need to attend education free of charge. The aim is to ensure the essential prerequisites for the pupil to learn and attend school, such as accessibility and the possibility to interact with others on all school days.

To support school attendance, the pupil may receive communication methods or interpreting which support and compensate for speech due to hearing impairment or special linguistic difficulties. If necessary, a pupil using sign language can receive support from a sign language interpreter or an assistant knowing sign language to support communication.

The assistant guides and supports the pupil in everyday situations such as carrying out tasks related to learning and school as per the instructions given by the teacher or other support professionals. The aim of the assistance service is to support individual pupils so that they can take increasing responsibility for their learning and school attendance.

The need for special aids may be related to eyesight, hearing, mobility or other physical need. Said need may also be related to special learning needs.

The headmaster decides on the interpretation and assistance services required for attending education in connection with the decision on special-needs support. The headmaster also makes the decision on aid acquisition. The need for and number of services and aids are assessed in connection with a pedagogical report.

Use the service


Contact the school’s special-needs teacher or headmaster, for example, via Wilma in questions related to assistant services or aids. The contact information is also available on the school’s website

Payment information

The service is free of charge.

Service background and legislation

A pupil who is disabled or needs support for some other reason is entitled to free interpretation and assistance services. The purpose of these services is to guarantee the pupil the basic preconditions for learning and school attendance and a learning environment that is as accessible as possible.

The aids may include individual learning and teaching materials, technical devices, classroom furniture as well as ramps, hand rails and elevators in the school building to make the learning enviroment more accessible.

The school is responsible for the practical arrangements.