Easy to Join Exercise 2024
Let's move together!
In some of the courses the instruction language is Finnish, but don´t hesitate-the body language is universal!
For questions please contact: stina.tevajarvi@lappeenranta.fi or 040-6317428
For families, teens and children
Family Sports event
Monthly, Sundays at 10 am -1 pm
At 9-10 am children with special needs, such as hyper sensibility, movement restriction or attention disorders are welcome for a more peaceful session.
Try fun sports equipment together with your child/children. Welcome children up to 12 years together with an adult.
The children need parental supervision during the whole event.
No registration. The fee 2,60 €/child is to be paid on site to the club in charge.
Sunday at 10-1 pm
Joutsenohalli, Penttiläntie 17
Sunday 17.11. and 8.12.
Kourulan palloiluhalli, Katajakatu 12
3.11., 24.11.. and 15.12.
Family Day in the swimming hall
Lauritsala swimming hall. Luukkaankatu 51
Saturday 23.11. at 10 am -1 pm
Children with supervision of an adult are welcome to attend.
No registration or fee for the event, but the entrance fee is to be paid.
Morning exercise for children+families
Lappeenranta Sportshall, judoroom. Pohjolankatu 29
Tuesdays 9.30-10.30 am
Welcome children 3-5 years (+ sibling)and adult.
No fees. For registrations contact Stina (phone:0406317428)
Skating school for children and families- New!
Kisapuisto outdoor icerink.Kisakatu 9
Sunday mornings. Usually at 10-12 am, but please check the time in advance by the coach.
Cheap second hand ice skates availabele at Kontti. Kauppakatu 61
No fees., but an insurance is required. More information and registration check here
For questions please contact Iikka phone 045 232 8576 or e-mail: jaapallokouluuk@gmail.com
Organized by the bandyclub Veiterä.
Swimmingschools for children
Swimmingschools in Lappeenranta are organized by:
Lappeenrannan Uimarit swimmingclub.Please check here
Lappeenrannan Kisa-Toverit sportsclub. Please check here
If no swimmingcourses are to be found, please contact:
toiminnanjohtaja@lappeenrannanuimarit.fi or phone: 050 452 1005 (Monday-Wednesday 9 am-2 pm)
juho@lrkt.fi or phone 050 512 4389
For private swimming lessons, please contact Bettina Blomfelt.
Instruction fee from 25€/session
Phone 050-5710004 or bet.blomfelt@gmail.com
Free entrance hours for teens and Sampo students
Fridays from 2pm -5 pm
No entrance fee for teens and secondary level students in the following places:
- Lappeenranta and Lauritsala swimming halls
- Joutsenohalli and the swimming hall gyms. Note! Only for 9th graders upwards.
For more sports and events..
Local sports clubs here
The calender for local sports activities here
The event guide for Lappeenranta here
Activities mainly for adults
Icehockey game SaiPa-Kärpät - New event!
Lappeenrannan kisapuisto. Kisapuisto 9
Wednesday 13.11. at 6.30 pm
This is a so called studentgame, that means students get discount.
Studentprice: 12 € (C1 seat area), 7€ (standing area)
Buy your ticket here
Chose LUT from the dropdown-list , put PARRU in the " kampanjakoodi" box
Please show your ticket (Sampo, LUT, LAB) at the entrance
Family tickets *) . Children (7- 15years ) + adults 10€/person Buy here
*) A1, A6 or D1+ partly A2 seat area+
Also note! There is a bustransport to the game. Check here
Swimming school for adults -New!
Lappeenranta swimming pool. Pohjolankatu 29.
The courses include 6 sessions:
November 29th
December 4th, 5th,11th, 19th and 20th
Beginners` group at 3-3.45 pm Course is for absolute beginners. Register and pay here
Group for advanced beginners at 4-4.45 pm. For beginners who can swim 5-10 meters. Register and pay here
Course fee 27,50€.
Additionally the swimming pool entrance is to be paid (3,85€ students and unemployed, others 6,60€ )
Swimming technique course
Please contact Juho; juho@lrkt.fi or phone 050 512 4389
Lappeenrannan Kisatoverit sportsclub
Individual swim instruction - New!
For private swimming lessons, please contact Bettina Blomfelt. Instruction fee from 25€/session
Phone 050-5710004 or bet.blomfelt@gmail.com
Try dance to African music -New
Lappeenranta Sportshall. Pohjolankatu 29
Saturday 16.11. and 30.11.
1-2 pm
In the darkest time of the year, may dance bring us joy, joy and light!
In this two-day workshop, we will focus on Afrodance, which we will dance to happy and rhythmic music.
Participation does not require previous experience in dance, only an open mind and an interest in dancing!
No fees! Registration to anni.pellikka@lappeenranta.fi or +358-40-5590710
Nature activities
You are allowed to pick berries and mushrooms freely in the nature, but not on private properties.
Mushrooms are good and healthy food, but it`s extremly important, that you are absolutely sure about what you pick!
Some mushrooms have deadly poison! Here you find mushroom information
Nature routes and hiking
Hikingroutes close by look here
More routes to be found here EKVAS
Ball games
Easy level football
Wednesday 2.30-4 pm
Pallo Sportshall. Tukkikatu 2
Price €2.50 per session. Please pay by card.
No registration. For questions call Pentti p. 040-5270267
More football
Please also check non competitive adult teams arranged by local clubs:
Pepo Football Club Plays in Kielo areena. Sammonlahti on Sundays nights from 7-8 pm. Please contact Pentti, phone: 040-5270267
Lapa Football Club Team for men. Plays in the city on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Please contact Vesa, phone: 050-4764774
Lapa Football Club-women Team for women. Plays in the city on Tuesday nights.Please contact Markku, phone: 050-417680
Basketball team for women
Welcome to play for fun in a nice team . Also teens (16 years-) are welcome
Pallo Sportshall, Tukkikatu 2.
Tuesday at 7.45 -9 pm
Thursday at 7.30 -8.45 pm
Call Sanna Federly, phone: 050- 5369243.
Arranged by the basketball club Catz Lappeenranta
More common ballsports
Badminton: Wilsu Badmintonclub
Badminton courts: Forever Huhtiniemi puh. 05 - 541 9600
Tennis: LTS Tennisclub. Also reservation of tennis courts see here
Table tennis: LrTu Sportsclub, table tennis and wrestling
Volleyball: Lauritsalan Kisa sportsclub
Weekly exercise courses arranged by the Sports Department
Fall season: 2.9.-15.12. (Fall break 21.-27.10.2024)
€ 34 groups starting before 4pm
€ 50 groups starting after 4 pm
NOTE! In addition to the seasonal fee, the swimming hall fee must be paid separately on site. Most groups require registration. For help with the registration please contact Stina, phone:040 6317428
or stina.tevajarvi@lappeenranta.fi
Below a selection of courses. For the whole program please check here
Water exercise (shallow water)
Lappeenranta Swimming hall. Pohjolankatu 29
Tuesday 9.15 - 9.45 am, 10.00 - 10.30 am and 10.45 - 11.15 am
Wednesday 10.00 - 10.30 am
Lauritsala swimming hall. Luukkaakatu 51
Monday 10.45 - 11.15 am and 11.30 – 12 am
Thursday 10.00 - 10.30 am and 10.45 - 11.15 am
No registration Water Aerobics
You do not need to register for the so-called wristband water aerobics.
The wristband can be claimed for €2.60 at the swimming hall cash before the start of the workout.
Additionally you pay the swimming hall entrance.
Lappeenranta swimming hall. Pohjolankatu 29
Deep pool water aerobics
Monday 11.30 am - 12.00 and 4.30 - 5 pm
Wednesday 4.30 - 5 pm
Thursday 6.15 - 6.45 am
Deep pool water circuit
Thursday 4.30 - 5.15 pm
Shallow water aerobics
Lauritsala swimming hall
Tuesday 6.15 - 6.45 am and 5.30 - 6.00 pm
Friday 12.30 - 1.00 pm
Sunday 10.30 - 11.00 am
Women only swimming hours
Lauritsala swimming hall, Luukkaantie 51
Sundays evenings (2.9.-15.12.2024)
This event is outside the public hours.
Entry only at 6-6.30 pm, pool time 6.30-7.30 pm.
The entrance fee during the event can only be bought from the ticket machine with a payment card.
Gym work out
Circuit training groups
Circuit training means strength training in a group at the gym.
Lappeenranta swimming hall. Pohjolankatu 29
Monday 10 - 11 am
Friday 9.30 - 10.30 am
Lauritsala swimming hall. Luukkaankatu 51
Monday 4.45 pm-4.45 pm
Kahilanniemi Gym. Valto Käkelän katu 3 D
Thursday 2.30-3.30 pm and 3.45-4.45 pm
Let´s start -group
This group is aimed for people who are starting or restarting to exercise after a longer break.
Kahilanniemi gym. Valto Käkelän katu 3 D.
Thursday 6 – 7 pm
Fascia Method
Body maintenance and balance training. This is a soft but effective class and suits beginners.
Kourula sports hall. Katajakatu 12
Monday 3 - 4 pm
Keep-fit exercise group
Kourula sports hall. Katajakatu 12
Tuesday 3 - 3.45 pm.
Fun and easy movement to different kinds of music. You don't need a partner to join.
Urheilutalo gymnastic hall, Pohjolankatu 29
Monday 4.15 - 5 pm
Outdoor exercise for everybody
We focus on walking, body maintenance and light muscle exercises.
We move throughout the winter. No registration or fees.
Tuesday 9.15 - 10 am. Start from Sammontori
Tuesday 1 – 2 pm. Start from Juvakka field
Body weight control -classes
The classes are aimed for people whose BMI is over 30.
These groups also give an excellent restart to exercising after a longer break.
Kahilanniemi Gym, Valto Käkelän katu 3 D
Tuesday 5.40 – 6.40 pm. Women only
Tuesday 6.45 – 7.45 pm. Men only
Thursday 7.00 – 8.00 pm. Women only
Sports peer groups for men
These group offer support for starting a more active lifestyle.
The classes include workout, muscle toning, floorball and volleyball. The classes are held in Kourula, Kahilanniemi and Huhtiniemi.
For the schedules, please check here or ask Stina p.040 631 7428 or stina.tevajarvi@lappeenranta.fi
Easy to join football
The group is for teens and adults throughout the year.
Ratsumestari outdoor sports field* Puhakankatu 4
*Pallo sports hall from 25.9.-. Tukkikatu 2
Wednesday 2:30 – 4 pm
Price €2,60/session. Payment on site, debit card payment recommended.
No registration. For questions: p.040 5270267
Free entrance and benefits for unemployed people
The groups below can be accessed by showing the job application (TE-toimisto) certificate at either the information point or the cash desk.
Free gym hours
Lappeenranta swimming hall gym, Pohjolankatu 29.
Monday 2 - 3 pm.
Joutsenohalli gym, Penttiläntie 17.
Wednesday 3- 4 pm
Free swimming hours
Lauritsala swimming hall, Luukkaantie 51
Tuesday 3- 4 pm
Lappeenranta swimming hall, Pohjolankatu 29
Thursday 1- 2 pm
Free Body Maintenance class
Urheilutalo gymnastic hall, Pohjolankatu 29
Thursday 2.15 - 3 pm
Please bring your own exercise mat. No registration needed.
For more sports and events
Please also check:
Local sports clubs here
The calender for local sports activities here
The event guide for Lappeenranta here
Activities for seniors
Please note, that seniors are very welcome to all adult activities, and beginners of all ages are welcome to senior groups.
The exercises are adjusted also to suit people who have slight movement restrictions.
Neighbourhood exercise session
Wednesday 10.00–10.30 am Louhenpuisto outdoor gym, Pieni Kirkkokatu 8 (8.5.-28.8.)
Easy exercise suitable for all fitness levels. You can also participate with a rollator.
Circuit training groups
Circuit training means guided strength training at the gym.
We offer tens of groups for people in the age of 60+ and 70+ on all weekdays in the sportshall, Lauritsala, Kahilanniemi and Joutseno gyms.
Please check the schedules here
For help with the registration ask Stina p.040 631 7428 or stina.tevajarvi@lappeenranta.fi
Chair exercise classes
Monari/Lappeenranta Youth Centre 2nd floor. Anni Swanin katu 7
Monday 1.30 - 2.15 pm.
Sammonlahti church 2nd floor. Hietakallionkatu 7
Tuesday 10.30 - 11.15 am.
Lauritsala community house.Hallituskatu 20
Wednesday 1.15 – 2 pm.
Outdoor exercise
The classes include walking, body maintenance and light muscle exercises.
We move throughout the winter. No registration or fees.
Sammontori, Sammontori 2
Tuesday 9.15 – 10 am
Juvakka sportsfield, Juvakankatu 2b
Tuesday 1 – 2 pm
Louhenpuisto activity park. Pieni Kirkkokatu 43
Wednesday 1- 1.30 pm
No walking included in this class, rollator users are also welcome.
Senior dance
Monari/Lappeenranta Youth Centre 2nd floor. Anni Swanin katu 7
Wednesday 2- 2.45 pm
Joyful dance to music that's easy to follow. We learn easy steps and dance in a circle.
Welcome as a couple or on your own.