The English Study Line of Lappeenranta

Kesämäen koulu comprehensive school consists of a primary and secondary school in the Kesämäki area of Lappeenranta Finland. We host two English study lines:
- The English classes study line is a bilingual education, taught in both Finnish and English.
- The English Study Line of Lappeenranta (ESLA) is aimed for students willing to study mostly in English.
This page contains information about The English Study Line of Lappeenranta (ESLA).
About The English Study Line of Lappeenranta
ESLA is a unique opportunity for children who want to continue studying in English and prepare for the global world. The study line provides high-quality Finnish basic education, which offers students comprehensive and in-depth knowledge and skills. The study line also teaches students to appreciate diversity, equality, openness and cooperation, which are our school's core values.
The study line gives students the opportunity to learn about the customs and perspectives of different countries and cultures, and to understand and respect them. The study line fosters learners who have courage, creativity and critical thinking.
Watch the video and get to know ESLA!
Mission and Values
ESLA is designed to provide students with a broad and international perspective on learning. The international line is part of the Finnish basic education for grades 1-9. Our school follows the Finnish curriculum, which has been supplemented with an emphasis on English-language teaching. Studying in Finnish basic education is free of charge.
The main language of instruction is English, which enables students to develop their language skills and prepare them for the global world. The international line is aimed at families who are moving or planning to move to Finland from abroad and are looking for an opportunity for their child to study in English.
Our school values diversity, equality, openness and cooperation, and these values are reflected in the international line's activities.
Practical Operating Models
ESLA operates alongside our school's English-speaking classes. The English-speaking classes implement extensive bilingual teaching in Finnish and English. The ISL teaching is organized in cooperation with the English-speaking classes' teaching.
New students are enabled to study as preparatory education students for the first school year or for a fixed period according to individual needs. Each student is given their own study plan for the first school year. The student is integrated into the English-speaking classes' teaching group no later than the first school year.
The international line works closely with the English-speaking classes. The international line has its own responsible teacher, which enables individual support and ensures the quality of teaching. The student studies flexibly according to their own learning plan, both separately and jointly with the English-speaking classes.
How to apply?
The English Study Line is applied for through a separate application process. ESLA students are not required to have Finnish language skills.
Studying on The English Study Line requires a sufficient level of English language and linguistic skills. Students are selected for the classes based on an age-appropriate English language test. The availability of student places also affects admission.
You can apply for the study line during the school year. The student is placed in the grade based on their own age, school history and skill level.
Kesämäki School is committed to transparency and equality in the application process. Religious beliefs, physical ability, gender, ethnicity or nationality do not form a barrier to our school's admission.
If you are interested in ESLA studies, and for more information, please be in contact with:
Deputy principal Anu Kilpiä,, tel. +358 50 544 9573
Contacts and further information
Kesämäen koulu comprehensive school
Address: Kapteeninkatu 1, 53100 Lappeenranta
Deputy principal Anu Kilpiä,, tel. +358 50 544 9573