The ITE Art Day planned for 15.6. in Maria Square has been postponed to 5.10.
The ITE Art Day planned for 15.6. in Maria Square has been postponed to 5.10. and will be held in Galleria Pihatto. The City of Lappeenranta invites all art enthusiasts and people who make art for their own pleasure to participate.
- We believe that by posponing the event we will reach a larger number of art enthusiasts. Galleria Pihatto will also provide an opportunity to showcase art in a more diverse way," says Tuulia Ahokas, Project Coordinator of the Dream Year of Culture.
We are looking for exhibitors and performers of their own art for Galleria Pihatto. We are encouraging all self-poets, crafters, handicraft, shower singers, knitters and painters to sign up. Anyone can participate.
The art you bring can be anything you like: paintings, photographs, crafts, sculptures or installations. Performing art can be poetry recitation, storytelling, singing, music or performance art.
- The idea is to get people in the city to be brave enough to express their own creativity. So you don't have to be a professional artist or performer - quite the opposite," says Ahokas.
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