
Influencing the local master planning process

The purpose of the local master plan is the general steering of the community structure and land use of Lappeenranta or a part of Lappeenranta and coordination of operations. The local master plan sets out the principles of the desired development and indicates the necessary areas for the detailed city planning process and other planning as well as for construction and other land use. You can follow the progress of an individual plan project on the City of Lappeenranta’s website. The city announces the initiation of the planning process on the city’s website, in a newspaper, by letter or during the annual planning review. The plan announcement indicates the period during which you can influence the content of the plan.

The local master plan is presented on a map and is accompanied by a report and a participation and assessment scheme. You can follow plan projects on the City of Lappeenranta’s website. Ongoing plan projects can be influenced at different stages of planning. In its official announcements, the city describes the significant steps during which you can influence plans.

The City of Lappeenranta usually makes the initiative to draw up or amend a plan. When a local master plan is drawn up, the national land use objectives, regional plans, local master plans and the city’s strategy are taken into account.


The participation and assessment scheme is drawn up in the early stages of the planning process. It provides basic information about the plan (what is being planned and where), interaction procedures, impact assessments, the course and schedule of the plan process and the contact persons. Interested parties are informed about how they can participate in the preparation of the planning. You can also influence the participation and assessment scheme.

Interested parties may comment on the draft plan during preliminary consultation. Interested parties may be residents, landowners or those on whose living, working or other conditions the plan may have an impact. Address your opinion in writing to the City Registry Office.

During the proposal phase, plans are presented in public for 30 days. The city gives notice in the paper it uses for announcements and on the city notice board. During the announcement period, you can make specific suggestions for changes (objections) to the content of the plan and have them discussed. Address your objection in writing to the City Registry Office.

The local master plan is approved by the City Council. The city communicates the decision to those who requested it in writing when the plan was presented in public. You can appeal against the decision during the appeal period.

The city presents participation and assessment schemes, plan maps and plan reports in public. You can find them at Customer Service Centre Winkki at the Lappeenranta City Hall and on the planning website.

All parties whose immediate circumstances or interests are affected by local master planning have the right to take part and have a say in the process.


In Lappeenranta, the method of communicating plan projects is chosen based on the scope and other characteristics of the case. We provide information in a clear and illustrative manner, so that you can assess the significance of the project. You can find participation and assessment schemes, plan maps and plan reports at the Customer Service Centre Winkki at Lappeenranta City Hall and on the City of Lappeenranta’s website. If necessary, the city organises public and participatory events during the preparation of the plan. Submit your opinion in writing to the City Registry Office. You can appeal against a plan decision in accordance with the appeal instructions of the decision.

The municipality will provide the appropriate instructions for the parties that would like to take part in the planning process.

Service background and legislation

The purpose of the local master plan is to lay out how the municipality plans to use regions and allocate land for housing, working life, traffic, recreation and other activities. Provisions on local master plans are contained in the Land Use and Building Act.

A municipality can draw up the local master plan alone or in cooperation with neighbouring municipalities (joint master plan).