
Early childhood education that supplements pre-primary education

You can also apply for supplementary early childhood education when applying for pre-primary education. The service is provided in the same unit as pre-primary education. The early childhood education fee is based on the family’s size, income and service needs.


You can also apply for supplementary early childhood education with the pre-primary education application in the eDaisy service. The application can also be submitted later, but then you need to use the early childhood education application. An application for early childhood education must be submitted if your child also needs early childhood education before and/or after pre-primary education (4 hours per day).

Payment information

Early childhood education is subject to a client fee based on the family’s size, income and service needs.

Service background and legislation

There are four hours of pre-primary education every morning. If a child participates in pre-primary education at a day-care centre, the afternoon following the teaching consists of normal day-care centre activities. After pre-primary education provided at a lower comprehensive school, the children either go home or are accompanied to a day-care centre or, for example, club activities.

The child’s guardian is responsible for ensuring that the child participates in pre-primary education or activities that meet its objectives during the school year that precedes the start of compulsory education.